The housing backlog is often cited as the primary factor driving housing policy in a country or region. Unlike variables...Continue reading
Author: admin
Senopar-T: an idea about the future of Senopati Strip
Senopati Strip (informally: Senopar-T) is a term from RYZ to define the area along Jalan Gunawarman and Jalan Senopati, which...Continue reading
Foreign ownership implications on Indonesia’s real estate
The new law draft about Cipta Kerja has been sparking controversies since its inception and throughout the time when it is consulted...Continue reading
Questioning TAPERA and its effectiveness to solve our housing crisis problem
TAPERA. What comes to your mind when you hear that word lately? a hope? or gruesome? extra cost? or is...Continue reading
What caused the unaffordable housing in Jakarta?
"It is 2020, and yet you still find it hard to buy your first house? Don’t worry – you are...Continue reading
Update on: Indonesia’s capital city (?)
On 8 May 2020, the Republic of Indonesia's cabinet secretary promulgated Presidential Regulation Number 60/2020 (PR 60/2020) about Indonesia's capital...
COVID-19 pandemic and how long real estate assets value will hold in Indonesia?
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are crucial questions about its impact on Indonesia's real estate sector. We...Continue reading
COVID-19 pandemic as a force majeure: our insight
"In invoking COVID-19 pandemic as a force majeure, the parties shall refer to the contract that has been made, whether...Continue reading
Where is the location of Indonesia’s new capital city, and why it does matter?
After a long wait, we are proud to finally publish our first-ever internal view series: Unveiling Real Estate: Where is...Continue reading
Corporate Real Estate Intensity in the Indonesian Public Listed Banks and the Impact on Profitability Measured by Economic Value Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA)
One of our partners just completed his master's in real estate! Align with our interest to enlighten the real estate...Continue reading